• 2 cups cooked brown rice (heated frozen organic brown rice
from TJ’s works great)
• 2 TBS coconut oil
• 2 TBS coconut aminos
• 1 cup snow peas
• 1 can drained and chopped water chestnuts
• 1⁄2 cup onions, diced
• 1 cup chopped bok choy
• 1 ½ cups organic broccoli [sic]florettes
• 1⁄2 cup carrots, diced or shredded
• 1 ½ teaspoons sesame seeds, optional
• Salt/pepper/garlic powder to taste
• 1 tsp sesame oil
• Toss in cashews or chickpeas for added protein, optional
• Garnish – Chopped green onions and red pepper flakes
Heat skillet to medium heat and add 2 TBS coconut oil. Sauté onions,
broccoli, snow peas & carrots, bok choy and any other desired veggies
under tender. Add water chestnuts and cook for 2 mins. Add cooked
brown rice. Add coconut amines (resembles soy sauce), sesame oil, and
sesame seeds (optional). If mixture is getting dry, add a splash of veggie
broth. Stir in chick peas or cashews before serving. Garnish with
chopped green onions and dried red pepper flakes.
Source: Arbonne - Week 4 Vegan Menu